Sunday, July 24, 2011

La, Da, Da, Da, Life Goes On

So, I realize that I haven't been on here in a few days. Life gets a little hectic when I'm not following my usual routine. So, quick summary of what's been going on, while my Kiddo is taking a shower (then we're watching a movie).

1st day of vacation: Thursday: Ash, Carley & I went to Carter's Lake and went swimming. Would've been more fun if the sun had shined the whole time. Instead, we had dark, threatening clouds. It was a good time for us to just chill and talk about what is going on in our lives, though, without all kinds of distractions. Sometimes, life takes over and we forget to just sit down and talk. It was really nice.

2nd day of vacation: Friday: Ran some errands, got the oil changed on the jeep, and tried to find khaki pants and a black polo shirt for working at Michaels. Struck out at three different stores, then ran out of time. Went to a Miche party (you really should check these things out... I have one and LOVE it!!)

3rd day  of vacation: Saturday: Tried going to the outlet mall to look for some clothes to work at Michael's and to get Chuck some new T-shirts and shorts. It's become a tradition that we take him shopping right after his birthday every year, otherwise, he may never get new clothes! He was really looking forward to it. On the way there, we decided to stop at Arby's drive-thru for something to eat. While in the drive-thru, the clutch went out on Rita Wrangler. (many, many expletives) We spent the afternoon waiting on a tow truck only to have them show up and tell us how to "nurse" the clutch until we got home. Great idea, since USAA would only tow it 16 miles, and I needed it to be 40 miles away... So, it's in our driveway, and will go to the mechanic's on Monday.

4th day of vacation: Sunday: went to work with Ash at 8:45am so that I would have a ride to my first day at Michael's. I didn't have to be there until 12:30, so I pretty much rode in early, and waited around all morning. Super boring, but I didn't have a ride otherwise.

5th day of vacation: Monday: we will be dropping off the jeep, then go to a consignment store with Monica & see if we can find anything for Carley for school, then go to a little water park that is only $5/person! (yay).

6th day of vacation: Tuesday: Not really sure what we have planned for that day. Depends on whether or not my jeep is finished. We were planning on all going to a movie Tuesday night, since we do still have two free movie tickets. Not sure what we're gonna see, tho.

Anyhoo, that's the low-down. Not a whole lot of my usual insight, trying to psycho-analyze myself and my every action. That's the great thing about having my kids in my life. I'm WAY too busy to dwell on all of my issues. I'm a happier person. I love being a family. I love being needed. I love raising my children. I love being a mother. I don't love the idea of taking her back to Florida. But, I will. Because I have to. But, I don't have to like it.

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