Friday, August 19, 2011

Finding Peace

Well my pillow and dog are in Gainesville right now, so I guess we're moved. What a relief to have that out of the way!

Chuck survived his minor panic attack, seemingly unscathed, thankfully.

My drive to work only took about 35 minutes this morning, instead of the 45 minutes that I thought it would take. Plus, it was a pretty peaceful drive. I didn't mind it at all. (I just wish the price of gas wasn't so bad.)

When I was younger, I used to love taking road trips by myself. I loved the driving part, because that is when I did my best thinking. It's as though I can reach my "Chi" during that time.

Without access to my jeep for my daily commute to work, I haven't had much opportunity to think  peacefully for a long time (carpooling generally requires conversation).

I don't know if I'm explaining it very well. Everyone has different needs, and I am the type of person that really needs about 30 minutes of peace and quiet... time to think... every day. I haven't had that in a very, very long time. I get up in the morning, and get a ride with someone to work. I get to work and am surrounded by people. I get a ride home with someone. I get home and I am surrounded by different people.

Don't get me wrong, these are all people that I enjoy having in my life... but I just need a few minutes to gather my thoughts and be with just ME. I have days where I just want to scream, "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I can't be the only person that feels like that.

Anyways, I guess I should just get to my point. Today, I finally re-discovered what I had really missed in my life. I was in a vehicle, by myself, drinking coffee, just enjoying my thoughts. I have my Chi back. I already feel better. Isn't it strange that something so simple can make so much difference in a person's life. I don't feel like all of my problems are solved, but I do feel like I can handle them a little better now.'i - the circulating life energy that in Chinese philosophy is thought to be inherent in all things; in traditional Chinese medicine the balance of negative and positive forms in the body is believed to be essential for good health

So, today, I hope that everyone takes a minute to find out what their Chi is. We tend to get lost in the bustle and confusion of life and don't take the time to find our own center. What is it that brings peace into your life?


  1. I am glad you were able to rediscover what calms you and allows yoir Chi to flow freely. Mine has always been playing golf with a good friend or talking to my mother. Since my mother has passed away golf and talking with my wife now allows me some peace and keeps me centered. Sometimes both are hard to do for one reason or another but when I am able to do them my Chi flows freely.

  2. Greg, thank you for sharing! It's amazing that your while body seems to just relax when you have that. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

    Hugs, ~Bren
